Adventure // Week 3

Without much fanfare, here is my page for this week’s set of Get Messy prompts. I admit I took some liberties with the idea of creating a scene from magazine images, but I’m really happy with how this page came out. Going for the black was an impulse decision that turned out better than I thought. Most of my pages so far have been done on light backgrounds, so this was a nice change and challenge to work on a black background.

As I created my pages, I really struggled to come up with what “adventures” I have been on in my life. My journey as been a pretty low-key one with life happening a lot sooner than my peers (and all by choice, I should say) so I haven’t done anything super adventurous. No traveling, backpacking, following a whim, etc. After contemplating everything I’ve done it seemed the biggest adventure I’ve taken is the one I’m currently on: motherhood. Having my girls both before 25 and only 17 months apart has certainly led my life to be very full and exciting. So, even though I haven’t travelled or done anything really crazy, I’m okay with my biggest adventure being raising my kids. Because, as Caylee said, it really is a lifelong adventure I’ve started.


Check out my journal & how full it’s slowly getting. There’s something satisfying in seeing a crisp journal become rippled and buckled as it’s filled.

Cheers, until next week! As always, please feel free to share your thoughts & criticisms on my pages.

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