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A Tiny Series // Tiny Art Journal #9

Tiny Art Journal 39 // Fox + Hazel

It’s another tiny art journal! I’m finally caught up! Okay, not really because I still need to complete 2 more to have 12 done for the year... BUT, I’m almost done? I’ve just come to terms with the fact that I’ll always be behind in this project, especially now with a new baby in the house. My studio time is a lot more limited!\

For this tiny art journal, I decided two things early on: 1) to work in strictly acrylics again, and 2) to use no words or images in the journal. I was inspired by the pages themselves, which were one of my oldest daughter’s many paintings shes’s done. This one was created on a sheet from a canvas pad, so it’s tough and thick, but still small at 2″ x 3″ in size. The cover art is completely hers. I LOVE including my kids in my art work! I also love the challenge of having to work around their contributions in a way that both includes their work but allows for my own expression.

This is journal #9 as I started it back in September. Hey! Done is done, right?! Even if it’s out of order (you can see #10 here.) So here it is…

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

Tiny Art Journal #9 // Fox + Hazel

There it is! Love it? Then Pin It! Anyone else working in a tiny journal? Please share in the comments below so I can check it out! You can see all my tiny journals so far this year by checking out A Tiny Series.


  • Chantel Klassen

    December 27, 2016 at 8:29 am

    What a cute little journal! I love how you are using your daughter’s papers, it’s brilliant cause those papers just seem to multiply so fast! I’m going to go back and check out your other tiny art journals.

    1. Torrie Lynn

      December 29, 2016 at 9:55 pm

      Thanks! We seem to accumulate them at an alarming rate around here, but I hate to just throw it all away!

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