Season of MAGIC // Week 5

How is it nearly a week until Christmas? I don’t even understand. It feels like it is weeks away. I feel so unprepared! So I’ve just been ignoring it all and art journaling instead. Very mature. Very adult of me

I picked up some old sewing patterns at the thrift store last week, and used them as the backdrop on this page. LOVE how they look layered together. I also got my stamps from Papier Projekt and they are amazing! Beyond amazing. Felicitas is so talented and I couldn’t be happier with all my stamp sets. I used the alpha set and a few moon stamps on here. These are some of my favourite family traditions that I hope to pass on to my own kids.

This page is completely unrelated to any Get Messy prompts this week, but the idea of doing all black media on black paper had been bouncing around for a couple days. It was SUPER hard to photograph (because I am no photographer) In real life, I love how the page turned out. Very dark, haha, and moody. The black acrylic was heavy body and had some gloss to it, and I love how it stands out on the page. Proof that black isn’t really black! I also used some black glitter with matte medium and the resulting texture was very cool. Not glittery at all, but very sandy and black instead.

We were challenged with making digital art journal pages this week, so these 2 pages are my attempt at them. There is young Torrie with a boy haircut in the middle. Now sure what we’re all excited about, ha. A tradition I want to start with my family and encourage is taking more photos on Christmas! I’ve been sorting all my old family photos for my mom and there are hardly any left from Christmases past. I’d like to document our Christmas mornings more for our girls.

Another young Torrie, around 3 or 4, being moody on Christmas. I tried a double exposure effect with a wilderness photo and like it! This page was unrelated to the journaling prompts, but was another digital page.

I’ve realized as I look at all my pages that I still haven’t pegged out what my style of art journaling really is. I feel like I bounce around a lot between styles/aesthetics. Maybe in 2016 I’ll figure out what my style really is šŸ™‚

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