Serenity // Week 3

Another week, another set of prompts! 

This week we took on why we were here, and addressing the things that stood in the way of our serenity. Both those topics were thought provoking and hard to process in some ways. As a Christian, I default to my purpose being a servant and to evangelize. But truthfully, that’s a purpose I struggle with on some levels. Not because I lack faith, but because I lack obedience in many areas. 

As for the barriers between me & serenity, well, there are many I face. Most of them internal struggles and emotional battles that dominate me. They aren’t huge & dramatic, but a series of small subtle battles that work together to create a barrier from feeling calm, at peace, serene. I’m working through it all, as everyone does, and hopefully I can achieve a level of peace in my life. Or maybe I never will, and that will be my “peace.” 

But enough about the thoughts and more about the art. The first was emplying a technique I’ve never used before. I used an old gift card as a palette knife to pull and wipe the paint across the pages. It turned out pretty much amazing! I love the texture it creates instead of the typical brushstrokes I have on my pages. Some palette knives may be in my future.

I’ve found my pages have become less busy, but with more layers and texture to some degree.

Then there are pages like this one, where just simple is best. I was inspired by the Space Zine that Julia, Vanessa and Katie put together for Caylee – especially one of Vanessa’s pages.

There you have it for this week! Check out some other awesome pages with the #getmessyartjournal tag on Instagram or check out my sidebar to get to the Get Messy Page to see all the other awesome women who are sharing their pages every week.

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