21 SECRETS Tell Your Story

AH, guys, I have been waiting months and months to share this exciting news with you. In the spring, the amazingly talented Connie of Dirty Footprints Studio invited me to become a teacher in the latest edition of 21 Secrets! I was so honored and amazed that she asked me. Creating more classes and teaching others how to create has long been a goal of mine for 2017, so the timing was the universe’s signal it was time to start teaching.

Myself along with a bunch of other talented artists (like my friends Vanessa [dansmoncrane] and Katie [studio.katie or Punk Projects]) are coming together to teach in this edition and I could not be more excited about it!

21 Secrets: Tell Your Story - Fox + Hazel

 21 SECRETS Tell Your Story.

So, I am excited to share that my portion of the class is called Dear Me: Writing the Letters of Your Life. It’s been my baby all summer as I created a class that centers around letter writing as a journaling method. I also wanted to show how you can incorporate it into your art journaling. I think learning how to fully incorporate meaningful journaling is important because it gives your work further depth. The class is full of video tutorials, journaling prompts and some free templates to create a home for your letters.

Here are a couple of sneak peeks from my workshop:

21 Secrets: Tell Your Story - Fox + Hazel

21 Secrets: Tell Your Story - Fox + Hazel

21 Secrets: Tell Your Story - Fox + Hazel

Want to join in? Make sure you head over and sign up for 21 Secrets: Tell Your Story! The class goes live October 30th, and it is going to be amazing you guys. There’s 21 teachers, 21 workshops and an insane amount of content (150+ page ebook and endless videos). Plus one killer Facebook group to connect with all the other peeps in the 21 SECRETS family.

We would love to have you join us and we can’t wait to help you Tell Your Story!

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