Serenity // Week 1 + 2

Hey, hey! Despite the lack of activity on here for the last couple of weeks, I can promise you my hands have not been idle! I was away on vacation last week and was disconnected from all internet & cell service. It was a welcomed break spent with my husband’s family and making some memories with our kids. Without too much pre-amble, here are the pages I created for last week’s prompts. They were centered around where I turn to in this world and what my inner goddess is like.

 I wasn’t super happy with how this page turned out, but I’m all about being authentic in the work I share. So I’m sharing it to show that everyone makes an ugly page and it’s still worth sharing because it means I’m pushing myself.

My next page I am much happier with..

I recently purchased some Sakura Koi Watercolours on the recommendation of the Get Messy group, and MAN I love them so much! They are so potent & vibrant that they make my old watercolours look sad and chalky. It’s hard to see in the photos, but I added a fleck of gold to the irises and the purple tips of my hair. I wish I could really put gold in my hair – how fierce would that be?

Moving onto this week, we explored what serenity is and what it means to us. I find it something I don’t often think about or consider, so it was an interesting topic to ponder while I made my pages.

At the end of it all, I find a lot of peace and calmness when I get a chance to work on either my art journal or other artworks. I always think back to how people describe themselves and when they are most inspired to create: early morning, afternoon, middle of the night, etc. As I’ve started this art journaling process I’ve discovered that I don’t really have a specific time I like to create. Any time is the time to create. I do end up doing most of it late at night (kids, man) but I’m often inspired throughout the day with ideas & techniques to try out. Whether or not I get to them right away is another story šŸ˜‰

As previously, I’ve committed to sharing my weekly pages every Thursday along with a group of amazing journalers. You can find all of our blog/IG links on the sidebar of the main Get Messy page. You can also get to the Get Messy page through the link on my side bar too šŸ™‚ 

See you next week!

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