A Tiny Series // Year of Petite Art Journals #8

>Here we are with #8 in my year long project of petite art journals! This post is belated, as well as this art journal. I had great intentions in August to keep on track with A Tiny Series, but life happens as we all know. Fast forward a couple months later and here we are.

All the journals so far this year have been a challenge to work on, but in August I decided to really challenge myself. I made my smallest journal to date – just 1″x 1″ big. Guys, it’s TINY. So tiny.

Here it is next to a pen for reference. I loved the challenge of working this tiny. To mix things up even more, I went with a limited palette of white, black, metallics and kraft brown. The content is a mix of whatever I was feeling at the moment.

You can scroll down to see the petite journal in it’s entirety.

Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8Fox & Hazel - Tiny Art Journal #8

A lot of friends and readers who have been following this journey have commented that they’ve been inspired to try tiny art journals. Working in a format outside your comfort zone is equally stressful and exciting. Many of my art journals are still “standard” size, and I work in them frequently. However, this project of creating art so tiny has also really opened my eyes to the beauty of working within restrictions. It pushes me to consider my materials, images and end results a lot more.

Have you tried working in a tiny format yet? If so, please share in the comments! I am always keen to see other people’s work and would love others to see more tiny journals!

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