Completed Art Journal Pages Flip Through
It feels like it’s been a lifetime since I’ve shared any art journal pages here. Even if I’m not sharing them regularly I am making them pretty frequently. The art journal I’m sharing today is one that has been in progress for over a year now. It often takes me that long to finish all my art journal pages in one journal for two reasons. 1) I don’t work in just one art journal at a time, and 2) lots of my pages I will abandon and then come back to months later. There are very few art journal spreads that I’ve completed from start to finish in one go. Lots of other art journalers are like this and I used to do this a lot more. But lately, it seems that my pages have taken longer as I let them sit for a while, then go back to add more.
I don’t know why but I’ve never done a journal flip through before now! Most of my Youtube watching involves art journalers and craft channels. Yet it literally never occurred to me to film my own flip through! So, here we are with it! If you’re into just checking out pictures, then scroll down to see a picture of each page in this art journal. If you like video, then you can listen to me ramble while I flip through this whole thing.