A Tiny Series // Year of Petite Art Journals #6

It’s a bit hard to believe I’m halfway through this year long challenge of creating tiny art journals. It has been a fun and very challengings task to take on. The format stumped me a bit at first, but as the months have gone on the real challenge is making the time to create a journal every month. I typically take a few months to fill a large journal. While these are much smaller with 25 pages or less, it still takes me about 10-20 hours to finish one. I’m an addict for texture, layers and details; this means I almost always want my pages to reflect that craving.

I had made this tiny journal a few months ago with no real purpose for it. It’s comprised of junk mail, scrap papers, gelli prints and deli wax paper. As soon as I needed a journal for June this one was my first choice. This cutie comes in at 3″ x 4″, which is my largest one in the series so far. I needed a break from the super tiny (throwback to the 1.5″ x 1.5″ one from March!)

Every month I try to choose a theme to have some cohesion and direction with these journals, and in June I decided neon was my jam. I was inspired by different art work I’d seen on Instagram and wanted to challenge that electric vibe in here. The words and thoughts behind it were focused towards me alone, however, I hope it inspires some of of you as well. It also features a thought by one of my friends and favourite art journalers, Vanessa, in there.



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