Daring // A Zine on Bravery

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll already be familiar with this project I’ve been working on. In the last season for the Get Messy group we were issued the challenge of making a zine. I wasn’t able to participate while that season was happening, but I was so drawn to the idea of a zine that I made one anyways after we had moved on.

Below are the pages of my very first zine, Daring. It’s 14 pages long and I’ve been working on it over the course of the last month. The topic of the zine was just simply “Bravery” and anything that felt pertinent to that topic. The feel and mood of the zine is a bit scattered, but I tried to adhere to a colour palette of sepia tones with some bits of brighter reds, oranges, and occasional blues in there. Hopefully it comes across as somewhat cohesive and uniform. I’m looking forward to the next zine to try and develop this type of focus & direction more. Please forgive the inconsistent photos – they were taken as the zine was developing, so there’s a lack of consistency despite my best efforts.

Without further ado, here it is!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my adventure in zine making! As always, you can find me posting on Instagram on the reg. I share there almost daily šŸ™‚

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