Get Messy Lists // Week 2 & 3

You know how the saying goes “When it rains, it pours.”? Well, that has been true around my house. Things were really stagnant the months after Christmas for Fox & Hazel. It wasn’t very encouraging, and frankly, was becoming a bit depressing.

However, all things happen in seasons (I’m sure the seasoned biz babes know this already), and it like a downpour over here with opportunities happening.

All of these exciting opportunities I’m experiencing are taking priority, which means some personal creating time is taking a back seat. Which is fine because I know it won’t last forever. I wrapped up part of a large project last week, so this week I was able to finally get to the Get Messy prompts and just make some art for me. These are my take on the prompts for weeks 2 and 3 from this season. As per usual, I loosely followed the prompts and just got to creating!

(I feel like I need to specify that one item says “paint on my new mani” not, “my new man.” Just needed a disclaimer in case anyone got any ideas!)

This paper bag journal is so, so fun to work in. The wrinkled texture of the paper has added so much interest to all my paint without even having to try that hard. I also am finding that the quality of the paper bag pages really is better for acrylic rather than watercolours. The paper is so absorbent and yet so brown that it sucks up the colours too much. Which is cool with me, because I love any excuse to work in acrylics!

Next week I’ll be sharing my favourite source of inspiration for creating art (hint: it’s 100% not Pinterest!) Check back to get your creative juices flowing!


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