5 Inspiring Acrylic Painting Videos

There are two loves of my life: my family, and acrylic paint.

While I work in watercolours more now, both with my shop and the Instagram challenge, my first true love is acrylic. It’s bold, it’s thick, and it can be obnoxious and loud when you want it. I love bold works with lots of textures (maybe one of my only cons for watercolour sometimes!) When I submitted my portfolio to art school, all my paintings were done in acrylic. My collection of paints is large and most of the paintings around our home are acrylic on canvas. I can’t get enough of it. Like I said, I love it. A lot!

I also LOVE watching artist’s process videos

It’s not hard to fall down the YouTube rabbit hole and spend time watching videos of other people creating art. It’s super interesting to see different processes, techniques and colour palettes and how other people approach their work. I always come away feeling inspired and itching to start painting!

I’ve rounded up 5 of the latest videos that I’ve found that have got me scrambling for my paint brushes.

Don’t you wish you had a bunch of paint, a big old canvas and couple hours of free time?! I know I do! Only one of these videos were directly about art journaling, but man I can see how all of these techniques can be modified and used in a journal page! I’m particularly drawn to that third video, “Plein Air” – the texture on that makes me want to slather a page in modeling paste!

Do you watch artist videos? I’m always looking for more to watch, so if you have any you recommend please let me know in the comments! Share where else you find inspiration from too – we can always use new places to look šŸ˜‰

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