Get Messy Lists // Week 6

This post comes late (as usual, because it’s me) but I had to share my last week of pages for Get Messy Lists! It was a push to get these done, but I am so glad I completed the season in full. This little paper bag journal was also SO FUN to work in! I think I need to make another journal in this size, but maybe from different paper to mix it up.

I actually really liked using the hashtag prompt! Probably because I am an avid user of hashtags on Instagram and have no shame about it, haha. I love me a good hashtag, okay? It wasn’t hard to find one that I could use to relate to what home meant to me.

While I didn’t complete all the prompts from this season, I did the majority of them and had a lot of fun doing so! I think I found my groove by the end of the 6 weeks. Took me a while, but I think I found it! The breaks in between seasons are always welcomed too. After a couple weeks off from prompts, it gets me rejuvinated and excited for the newest season.

Want to join the fun? You can check out Get Messy Art Journal here and find out what all the fuss is about (trust me, it is worth the fuss.) Get Messy is a community of like-minded creatives who create art on a regular basis while encouraging, supporting and challenging one another. It’s truly the best posse you could be in.

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