GIRL BOSS: A Collaborative Riot Grrl Zine

This Monday was especially exciting at the post office for me. I was surprised with my very own ZINE from the GM squad. I was out of my skin excited as I was trying to do business and get things mailed out while trying to look at this thing, haha.

Vanessa, Julia, Lauren, Katie and Lucia all came together to make me the most amazing riot grrl themed zine on the topic of GIRL BOSS. RIGHT? Everything about this speaks to me so much. I am a punk at heart, and now a striving independent business owner.  It is amazing to be surrounded and supported by other strong women, and especially when they want to encourage me in my business and life endeavours. This zine was so appropriate as I start another year deciding where I want to take Fox & Hazel.
I don’t know who made what pages, so I am going to guess along the way! We’ll see if I know everyone’s style well enough šŸ˜‰

Because you can never go wrong with Yonce. Whenever I read this line I want to do a sassy hand gesture. I think this cover is by Lauren! Also, the Girl Gang tag is so perfect.

Love the sentiment on here “I am who I am – a boss – a girl boss” YES. Pretty sure Lucia came up with both these pages? Maybe?

I’m going to guess that these pages are Julia all the way. I’m terrible at this. I do love the astronaut image and the straight-up He for She logo, which seems very Julia šŸ˜‰

This is definitely Vanessa’s page! I love the use of all the pink, which is awesome because it is totally outside her normal colour range!! Love the push to enhance the feminine imagery. I hope the future is female. We need to be reaching into all the untapped potential of HALF the world population.

This is definitely Julia’s on the left, and maybe Lauren’s on the right. The “ho’s before bro’s” quote always kills me, haha. Mostly because it just makes me think of Amy Poehler šŸ˜‰

Yes, yes, yes for Bikini Kill lyrics!! I think this one is Lauren’s. I love the stamped lettering – it goes with the lyrics perfectly. The messiness is so punk rock.

That mysterious sassy girl over there! And the sentiment – every girl really is a super hero! It looks like Vanessa on the right and Lucia on the left.

Most definitely Vanessa on the left and definitely Katie on the right! Katie’s painterly style is the best. I love both writings, especially Katie’s.

This one is SO hard to guess. I think it’s V on the left, and then Julia on the right? I love the unicorn! That gold lettering on the left had me swooning when I first saw it. I need to get my hands on those alphas like yesterday.

I’m going to say Lauren did the one on the left, and Lucia on the right. (I’ll be honest, I’m all jumbled at this point with guessing who’s page is who’s, haha) I LOVE the grrl power reference on the drawn image!

100% Julia (now watch me say that and be wrong!) Being girly doesn’t mean we can’t be strong, smart and tough. PREACH.

Lauren killed this spread. I love the typewriter text & the black page. It’s very much a throwback to when the riot grrl movement started. The black page says “Girl, you are sensational, what you have to say is important, it is relevant. you are undeniable, revolutionary. you are capable, indescribable, you are fucking beautiful.” Which has me all jazzed and pumped up to conquer all the things!

Definitely Jules all day long on this one. And now one of my favourite quotes. You’ll probably see this come up again in my own work. As a mom to two girls, my perspective on women and our role in society has really taken a new direction. Already, all I want is to raise strong, fierce, independent women. It’s going to be literally my life’s work, and I am excited about it.

Okay, every time Katie paints something I die a little out of awe. Girl, send me some of that skill for painting people. This page is so bright & I love the sassy woman. She needs shade’s cause her future is so bright!

Yes, so much yes to everything on this page. I love how Vanessa paired the vintage image of tools with the quote from the show Roseanne. Already, we are encouraging our girls to pursue whatever they want. My 3-year-old wanted hockey gear for Christmas this year – so she got hockey skates, not figure skates. I want her to know that she can do everything and anything she puts her mind to – her gender is not a barrier to pursuing her dreams.

Katie always blows me away with her painting skills. The best part? This image was something totally different and she modified it to look like the woman is standing on the rock. So masterful in manipulating the image to suit her vision. I love it. I also really love this quote! Maybe it speaks to why I wanted to have pink hair, or pierced my face as a teenager (repeatedly) or why I love the contrast of being a stay-at-home mom in the country and also being a creative online individual. Not that dramatic, but I want to embrace who I am fully and let it shine all day long.

I think this is Lucia’s page – I love how bright & bold it is! and that girl looks like she’s going to kick some ass with those heels.

Last page and I think it’s Lucia’s! I’m into the contrast of the bright & cheery page against all the other more grungy ones.

I am so so excited about this zine! I feel spoiled for receiving such a loving piece of work. I think the ultimate riot grrl thing to do would be to take this thing full bore and photocopy it, right? šŸ˜‰

Thanks again to the awesome group of women who put this together: Vanessa, Lauren, Julia, Katie, and Lucia.

Also, if case anyone was curious, these zines are always an international collaboration. Which I think adds such a cool element to it all. This one was compiled via England, Slovakia, USA and Canada. I love it!

I can’t wait to (hopefully) get in on some more zine squad action, and if not, continue to add to my own zine collection. Last summer I completed my own zine and I was hooked. I MAY have a few in the works at the moment šŸ™‚ Stay tuned!!

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