The In Between: Pt 2

Guys, it’s almost the end of the month which means two things:

1) The most depressing month of the year will be over! Hooray! We get to move on to Valentine’s Day and only 9 more Saturdays until Spring (according to a meme with a cat frolicking in grass), so there is hope.
2) The new year of Get Messy is just around the corner. WHAT. I know, so excited over here.

I’ve really, really been enjoying the off-season of art journaling, since it’s been a free for all in terms of what I want to create. None of my pages are cohesive, or make sense and it’s freaking awesome.

I’m not overly happy with this page, but it is what it is. Proof that ugly pages happen often. I did make this while binge-watching Making A Murderer, so I can’t say I was overly focused on it while making… (Side note: If you haven’t watched it yet, for the love of all that is good: go watch it immediately.) The lines are actually threaded, as I tried stitching my paper. That part I’m quite happy about, especially the accidental origami swan! I’ll probably try this again on a future page.

I stepped away from the black journal for a bit (GASP) and went back to my big sketchbook to try some new stuff. I really want to work on building layers in my work, instead of just slapping a few things on and calling it good. This has acrylics, inks, modeling paste, bleached paper, graph paper, some graphite, some markers.. a little bit of everything really. I’m happy with the results, and also happy to report that I still can’t draw people.

My intentions were to work on more layering with this page, but I never got further than this. I got to here, and decided I kind of liked the simplicity of it. Also just realizing as I type this now that I misspelled descend. Please be glad I am not a teacher. Glory.

This page is SO far from what I typically create, and guys, I am loving it. Loooooooving it. The collage is just cardstock that I wiped my brush off on from the previous pages I made. I’ve been doing that and then hoarding the paper. This page took me all of  20 minutes to make, and the results are really bold and clean. All the texture just from the paint on the paper has me drooling. Let’s see that goodness close up:

Right?! So. Good.

In other equally exciting news, I’m launching a new collection of prints in my shop next Wednesday! They’re different than my previous stuff, but I am really psyched about them. I hope you guys will be too. It’s exciting and kind of nerve-wracking all at the same time, y’know?

In addition, If you’re not a Get Messy member already (I’m questioning if anyone actually reads this blog, but I’m cool with it), and you want to be one, I am hosting a giveaway on my IG account to win a one year membership to Get Messy! Head over there to enter! If you can’t possibly wait to see if you’ve won it, you can also sign up here!

That’s all I’ve got for now. See you later!

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