Season of MAGIC // Week 1
Hooray, hooray, it’s a new season at Get Messy! I’m so, so excited for this one:
Yes, magic.
I love magic.
I love wonder.
I love the unknown, the potential for amazing things to happen, for a miracle to occur.
I also love Harry Potter.
This season was made for me.
Adding to the fun factor of this season, I decided to challenge myself by working in a black page “journal.” I use the term journal somewhat loosely because it’s actual a spiral bound photo album. The older kind that you used photo corners to tack photos on. The pages are all black, and large! I love it. And goes to further the idea that literally any paper can be a journal – you’re not limited by the constructs of what a journal “should be.” Let me show you what I’ve done so far..

I’m basically going to marry gold leaf now. K, bye. Off for a happy marriage where it makes everything I touch literally turn to gold. Life goals accomplished.
The only song that was running through my head the entire time I made this page was Magic (feat. Rivers Cuomo) by B.o.B. If you haven’t listened to it, do it immediately. It always makes me instantly feel better. And the chorus?
Every time I touch that track it turns into gold.
Everybody knows I got the magic in me
When I hit the floor the girls come snapping at me
Now everybody wants a blast of magic
Magic, magic, magic
Ooooh I got the magic in me.
It’s SO CATCHY. Listen to it and you too, will feel like magic.
Somehow this girl got glitter freckles. But I’m digging it. It might be this black journal, or maybe it’s the theme of magic, but when I was making these pages all I could think was magic=stars=night=stars=night. I don’t know why. But, I’m still digging this whole night theme.
Even with all that’s gone on this week, this is still how I want to see and love Paris. With a sense of magic, a sense of amazement. It’s tricky to see, but the black glitter on the black paper is my favourite part.
So that’s my set of pages for the week! I wanted to make more, but I am prepping for my first ever craft show this weekend. Eeeeeek. I am equally excited and nervous and maybe want to sleep so I can ignore it all. I’m mostly excited. Right now I’m excited, I’m not sure how I’ll feel in 2 days, haha.
See you guys next week to check out what I created for the latest prompts! If you want to see what others are creating, check out the #getmessyartjournal hashtag over on Instagram, or head to the Get Messy blog!