Season of MAGIC // Week 2

I was loving the prompts from this week, even though I didn’t follow them as closely as I intended to. Now that I’m done all my creating for the Christmas craft shows I’m a part of in the coming weeks, I was free to art journal at my leisure without any nagging “to do” list in the back of my mind. It was really relaxing for once, haha. These pages are some of my favourites.

Harry Potter = magic = my childhood defined. There are few things I am as sentimentally attached to as I am to the Harry Potter book series. It actually blows my mind that it’s getting close to 20 YEARS since the first book was published. Can you believe it? Harry Potter helped mold and shape me in such positive ways as a kid and I will forever be thankful to J.K Rowling and to Hermoine for teaching me what a bad ass girl to be.
The black pages in this journal have been challenging me to really push myself beyond what I instinctively want to do with black – add white and metallics. At least I went away from the black background on this page, if not away from the gold.
The top hexagons are actually windows with a bit of acrylic painting in behind. This page is 80% crap, but I really like that hexagon window.
I finally had to add in some watercolour paper because I was feeling so restricted by the black. The galaxy sky is easily my favourite part. Well, I do also like my girl friend up there,
The “star” written in script up there is actually a clay scratchboard. I have about a million of them from high school still (eek!) and was inspired to bust them out. I think I’ll incorporate some more scratchboard bits into future pages. It was a fun medium to work with, and I remember why I bought so many!
Ah, this one is my favourite page of them all! It came to me in a moment of inspiration around 10:30 one night while I was struggling to come up with pages to match the GM prompts. In fact, I love how this turned out so much that I am making a large canvas size version of it. I’ll definitely be sharing that when it’s done.
Thanks for checking out my pages for this week! Hopefully I’ll be back on here again before next week’s sharing time šŸ˜‰

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