Season of MAGIC // Week 4

By magic itself, I somehow was on an art journaling rampage and managed to complete 7 pages this week. I think this is a record for me. Most weeks I can pull out 2-3 pages, MAYBE 4 if I’m feeling inspired. I guess I was pretty inspired this week? I have no idea. The even better part is that I actually love all of these pages too! What! That never happens. Let’s share the magic, shall we…

This was my attempt at imitating the amazing Essie’s collaging style. While it didn’t turn out like hers, I am very happy with the end result! I may do more of this technique in future pages. I embraced my instinctive draw towards pink and used every and any pink piece of paper I could find. I don’t ever intend to use pink in my pages, but somehow it always ends up in there! My subconscious wants to be girly. I protest. We compromise. This time I just let it win & went with it.

More pink. SEE. It’s everywhere. I completed this page at 6 am while drinking a coffee, and early morning creative sessions has totally become my jam. If you’d told me that 6 months ago, I would have laughed in your face! I was a nightowl & refused to get up earlier than 7 am. Now I’m often up by 5 and somedays before then. What is life.

I pulled out my acrylics for this page, and just dabbled. I love the contrast of these colours against the black background. Black is so dramatic. Like it would be the colour that’s always crying in the bathroom at the school dance because someone danced with it’s crush. So much drama.

My other pages I actually added into my altered book from the last season of Get Messy. I didn’t fill the entire book from the season, but I intend to fill it in it’s entirety so it’s a complete volume. It worked out well that I could do a few smaller, and therefore faster, pages in there as well.

My single ode to the holiday season. I was feeling festive and decided I needed at least ONE Christmas page. That will probably be it though, ha. 

It’s misshapen since it’s the reverse side of a page I burned the edges of. I can still dig it though, I like the roundness of the page in contrast to all the others.

My new musical obsession is Halsey. HAVE YOU EVEN LISTENED YET? Cause she’s so so good. I’ve wanted to put these lyrics down for literally weeks now, and finally, just spit them out. I’ll probably include them in another page I’m sure, but for now, they can have a home here. Also, pinker. Always the pink.


These pages were pretty fast & quick, but still pretty and impactful (I think.) The moons are watercolours used in a wet-on-wet technique with some metallic ink (which doesn’t show up great in photos.) These are more lyrics that I have been wanting to get down and finally did. It’s Cecilia and the Satellite by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, which everyone needs to listen to immediately.

That’s it! Thanks for sticking with me guys. There was a lot to get through this week. As always, check out the Get Messy blog to see what these pages are all about and cruise the #getmessyartjournal on Instagram to see more amazing pages!

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