Season of MAGIC // Week 3

Another week, another set of prompts! Yes. This week’s prompts were all about our inner landscapes, which actually coincides with the mini journal I did earlier this week. What makes me, me.

However, the first page was actually from the weekend while I was at a craft show, trying to pass the time during the slow periods. Both the art and journaling prompts were fantastic and really got me excited to make some pages. None of the pages are as detailed or as complete as I wanted them to be, simply because I just ran out of time.

The following page was a map of myself. All the ins & outs of me, the parts that make up my personality, my character, my flaws. This prompt was really fun to follow and it served as an early morning quiet time of reflection for me. Just me, my coffee, and creating a map of who I think I am.

(I quite like the sound of Temper Tundras – I just envisioned myself having an adult temper tantrum in a barren, cold piece of land with maybe a reindeer wandering by in the background.)
More mapping, and more self-reflection. I have always been intrigued by phrenology and this idea that people used to believe that the shape & size of your brain essentially dictated your character/ability. It’s interesting, to say the least. I wanted to do more with this page but just ran out of time. However, I do like the simplicity of it.

I used a white Sakura Gelly Roll pen and chalk pastels to make this. I haven’t used chalk pastels in years, and now I think I may need to try a more detailed page with them.

Self-awareness and then self-actualization isn’t easy to do. I’ve met many people who are not self-aware, let alone self-actualizing. I believe deeply in self-reflection and analysis in order to grow & become a better person. These pages tied in with that belief, which is probably why I enjoyed them so much!

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