12 Affordable Art Journal Supplies

Some links in this post are affiliate links to products I love!

art journal supplies on black background

As I’ve become more in love with art journaling, I see a lot of questions about art journal supplies. Mostly: “what do I need to start art journaling?”

I equally love and hate this question because: 1) I love talking about art journal supplies with people, but 2) it’s a hard question to answer! Creating art is so personal and individual – what I may use and love, another person may detest and may want to make them stop creating forever. That’s a bit dramatic, but it could happen!

Regardless, I do believe there are some basic supplies you can use to get a feel for art journaling and for the supplies available. Despite so many people’s different styles, techniques, visions, etc, etc, some art journal supplies transcend all of that. I’ve created a short (but comprehensive) list of what I think are the most basic art journal supplies to get you started. These materials are universal, which means they are great for beginners all the way to advanced artists! All of my art journaling peers use some or all of these art journal supplies regularly.


moleskine open on black background

1. A journal with thick(er) paper.

Any journal with paper intended for mixed media works. I have used a variety of journals, but they all have one thing in common: thick pages. This is key if you want to use wet media (aka paint) as the thin paper will not hold up to the moisture. My journals have included a sketchbook, an old photo album (hello black page!), an old book with pages glued together, and grocery bags.

bottle of

2. White gesso.

Gesso is a way of life. It is the savior of journal pages. It blesses us with pristine white backgrounds, bleed-proof pages and covering up mistakes made. Gesso is different than white acrylic paint because it is an acrylic primer used for canvases, and any other substrate you want to use. This means that gesso is thinner, more opaque and dries with a matte finish. It has these qualities because it creates a better surface for acrylic paint to adhere to the canvas. In art journaling, it’s used is for similarly prepping pages, for them to accept paint without bleeding through the page (and potentially ruining your previous hard work!) I often use it in place of white acrylic paint, just because it’s there

used watercolors on black background

3. Pan of watercolor paints.

These can be the cheapest most basic set you can get at the art store. If you are near a Michael’s, the Artist’s Loft brand is perfect for starting out. If you’ve never used watercolors, do not fear them! They are amazing for washes, adding color, creating soft texture, making splatters, drips, halos, and so much more.

craft paint bottles on black background

4. A small selection of craft acrylics in your favorite colors.

Everyone should have a couple of bottles of acrylic paint in their art journal supplies. Choose colors that complement each other and a bottle of black. Choosing paints can be so intimidating because there are SO many options. I think the best way to get started is to go for the cheap stuff and to get your favorite colors. By getting the $0.99 bottles you have a lot more room to experiment. These paints also dry very quickly and very matte, so they are great for creating quickly. And they will not cause your pages to stick together.

As for colors, I am against picking a standard “set” of colors – like those sets you get from the store. Love blues? Grab some blues. Can’t get enough neons? Get some neons. Get your favorite colors, and try to get ones that compliment each other. This means that when you go to use them, they will already look great together on a page. Having a page that looks great after a few brushes of paint will motivate you to keep creating. If you find you love using acrylic (it’s my lifeblood), then it’s worth looking into student quality artist paints

close up of paintbrushes on black background

5. Set of sturdy paintbrushes.

I would include a large flat wash brush, a small flat brush, at least a small and large round, and a small detail brush. You’ll need a large flash brush for applying gesso, large amounts of paint, if you’re trying to cover a page, etc. Flat and round brushes create different strokes, so having two of each in different sizes is a good variety. One small detail brush, like a 01 round or a spotter are good if you want fine details in your pages.


micron pens on black background

6. Black waterproof fine markers. 

I like Micron – sizes 08/05 and 02-01. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt pens and love them too. You’ll use these for all kinds of drawing, mark-making, writing, etc. Make sure whichever you choose that you do get waterproof ones. This means you can paint/draw over top without it smearing – an important quality for creating mixed media.

various adhesives on black background

7. Both wet and dry adhesives.

My preference for a wet adhesive is matte medium, or just an extra-strength glue stick if I’m being lazy. Matte medium is also another way of life. What is a matte medium? Well, it’s actually a transparent paint-like medium that artists add to acrylic paint to render their finished paint with a matte effect – meaning no shine or gloss when their paint dries. This is what it was created for. However, matte medium is incredibly versatile and can be used as an adhesive as well. It’s popular for collaging, especially when using materials like tissue paper, vellum, or any other fine transparent paper. As for a dry adhesive, get a tape runner. They’re in the scrapbooking section and look like white-out tape. But this stuff is basically dry glue. It is amazing for materials you do not want to warp (like they would from a wet adhesive.) I use these more often than not for literally every page I glue something down on.


dote magazine on black background

8. An old favorite magazine.

Make sure it has images/style you love! It can be a lifestyle, fashion, music, art magazine. I love Nylon, Vogue, Flow, Mollie Makes and Dote magazine. The biggest factor is lots of images, great color, and texture. As long as it’s a magazine that has content that inspires you and you don’t mind cutting up – it’s perfect!

white cardstock on black background

9. White card stock.

This seems super basic, but white cardstock is the workhorse of art journaling. It can hold up to both acrylic and watercolor paints (with wildly varying results, in the best way), and is a great substrate for creating your elements. You can print off images on it, create drawings on it, try new techniques on it, basically it’s wonderfully versatile. I also use it to protect other pages by putting it behind the page I’m working on so that excess paint doesn’t get on to anything I don’t want it. I also use it as a paint palette, a sketchbook, a place to clean my brushes (which can make for amazing collage fodder!!) It sounds funny to gush on about card stock, but it is one of my absolute must-have items.

palette knife and gift card on black background

10. Palette knife/old credit card/gift card.

For spreading paint on paper in a super thin layer. Sometimes even the best thicker paper can’t handle a thick coat of paint. You can use an old credit/gift card for this, I have several, and it works great for spreading out the paint! Typically I use this when I’m priming a page with gesso since it will seal the page and prevent any bleeding. It’s also great fun to scrape paint across your page and get some wonderful texture from it.

whtie gel pens on black background

11. White gel pens.

Like a Sakura Gelly Roll, Uniball Signo Broad, Posca Paint Pen, etc. Find whatever white pen writes best for you. The pop of white ink against a darker or brightly colored background can bring amazing contrast to a page. And sometimes there’s something you want to do where a black pen just won’t work. I personally use the Sakura Gelly Roll pens, but any white ink pen that works for you is great.

art journal supplies

12. An open attitude.

You can buy every item on this list, but if you don’t have this last item then everything is useless to you. What I mean is that if you come to create with a closed mind or a closed heart, then you will find it all very discouraging. No one makes a perfect page the first time they try something new. Or the 5th time. Maybe by the 10th time, you’ll love what you’ve made. Maybe. And that will keep you wanting to create more. But if you are stopped by “ugly pages” then you will never get to see all the beautiful and inspiring art pages that you are meant to make.

Having an open attitude is essential to art journaling. An understanding that art journaling is a journey, not a destination, and that you are learning along the way will keep you creating. I make SO MANY ugly pages. Ideas that don’t pan out. Pages that I should cover. But I still keep creating. I believe you should too.

If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a cookie! This list is not the holy grail of art journal supplies, but it is all the items that are MY essentials and the items I first used when I started art journaling.

You can find almost all the art journal supplies shown, or close variations HERE.

art journal supplies on black background

Have any questions/comments? Please leave them below! I promise I’ll answer them as best I can. Know someone who wants to start art journaling, but isn’t sure what to get to start? Share this with them & encourage them to get creating!

If you’re looking to expand your art supplies, then be sure to check out my posts HERE and HERE with even more fun stuff!


  • Janice

    December 28, 2018 at 12:13 pm

    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you oh great one. Honestly, I havent made a journal yet, as u see these perfect shabby chic journals on here and I thought narrr I’m never gunna be able to do that, I mean I can do a few pages like that but I don’t want it to blend in I want it to shine,
    The past year I’ve become very poorly, I started getting samples of wallpaper with pictures and spending hours cutting them out, I struggle to breathe so I can’t do much else at the moment. I didn’t have a plan for the things u cut out, then I came across art journaling. And I knew this was the reason for the cutting out.
    I’ve had a not so good life and now I’m but I know I will get better, I want the journal to show my journey from the start to my enlightenment now. The growth I’ve made.
    Well thank you, u have with yur blog let me know there is no right or wrong, just what’s right for u ie me or who ever, I use anything and every thing, I’m starting with an old book pages stuck together. I have pages ready to be put together but Bern scared up 2 now. But this weekend I’m going for it. Woohoo. I was guided to yur post for this reason if still be sat on the fence 4yrs from now if I hadn’t of read yur blog
    Thank u
    Thank u
    Thank u.
    P. S. I dnt want to push/show u my attempt, but if yur interested in seeing what u r responsible fore putting out there. Let me know.
    U may start getting hate mail as u inspired me for putting mine out there
    Thanks so much xx

  • Stephanie Brown

    August 24, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    Thank you for this list and the explanations, I have been playing around in Art Journals now for a year and love it. Art Journaling has bought me some Peace and the space to breath and thanks for the 24 gift ideas I am going to stick this up on my fridge for the family to see. Thank you Thank You Thank You

    1. torrielynn

      August 27, 2018 at 6:48 am

      You’re so welcome Stephanie! I hope you find some treats under the tree this year from the gift guide! 🙂

  • Katrina Scotka

    January 5, 2018 at 10:53 am

    This was a great list and I love how you explained why you use the items. As I am just beginning, there were some very helpful tips here such as the wax paper. I was having an issue with pages sticking together because of the paints.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this up. It was very helpful.

    1. torrielynn

      January 5, 2018 at 2:40 pm

      Hi Katrina!

      I’m so glad you found the list helpful. There are so many art supplies out there that it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. The wax paper trick is one of my favourites. I hope you fall in love with art journaling!

  • Carla Leiran

    October 8, 2016 at 3:19 am

    Awesome list.

  • Carla Leiran

    October 8, 2016 at 3:18 am

    Awesome list.

  • Torrie Gass

    April 6, 2016 at 11:40 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

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