Recap: 30 Days of Watercolour

Since we have already started the new month of #foxandwatercolour, I thought it would be fun to share my entire 30 days of paintings from April all together! All of my daily sketches were just 3″ x 3″ in size – I love working in a tiny format! It’s challenging but also sort of freeing, because there isn’t as much space to cover.

Have you shared your month of work in it’s entirety somewhere? If you have, I’d love to see it! Leave it in a comment below so I can creep and love it all. Out of the whole month, I think my favourite prompts were green, black and galaxy. I love painting galaxies!

If you want to know more about this daily painting challenge, you can check out the hashtag #foxandwatercolour on Instagram, or check out this post to see what last month was all about!

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