Season of Happy // Week 1 + Free Wallpapers

It’s the first season of the new year in Get Messy! Hooray! It’s been long-awaited with anticipation from the community, and we’re here finally. There are new people and it’s super exciting to see new faces and new journal pages. We are starting off with the Season of Happy. Happy, happy, happy.

I’ll admit right now that this last week has been a struggle for me in terms of creating. I was having a super off week and being happy was the last thing I felt or felt like creating art around. After much procrastination and bemoaning the topic, I finally sat down to just force myself to make something – anything. I only got two pages done this week but I’m happy I got some done rather than none at all.

I did this line drawing of my happy place in my altered book. I debated starting a new journal for this season, but I have a few that aren’t completed and would rather have complete journals even if they aren’t created in a linear fashion. I gave this page a coat of black gesso, then used a white gel pen to draw my happy place – which for me is my desk. I have lots of happy places in my life, but my desk where I get to create is easily the happiest physical location for me. So here is an interpretation of the space where I create all my artwork. I’m especially pleased with the high contrast look of the black & white. Probably also reflects my less than cheery demeanour when I made this.

This is the first page I’ve done in my large 8.5″ x 11″ sketchbook since the Season of Serenity. So, 5 months – wow! I didn’t realize it had been that long. Anyways. I used colours that made me happy and chose to forgo any words this time too. I actually love how this page turned out. Acrylics are slowly making their way back to becoming my favourite medium. I love them. My first true love for art supplies.

I love how bright & bold it came out.

I was feeling especially pleased with this page, so I made some wallpapers for you guys to download if you want some colour and sass to your devices!

iphone 5

iphone 6

iphone 6plus

samsung galaxy s5

samsung note 5


ipad air

If you want to know more about Get Messy, you can head here. If you already know and want to be a part of the colorful and vibrant community, then head here to get a membership!


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