Season of Happy // Week 5 (When I Ignored the Prompts)

I have a confession: these pages have nothing to to with this week’s prompt set. Like, at all. The prompts were great and maybe I’ll revisit them this weekend. But you know when you get an idea in your head, a vision, an idea; and you just can’t shake it until you make it? (unintentional rhyme that made this great!) These pages had been floating around in my head for a few days and I just had to make them happen.

Since I’ve gotten my gelli plate, I’ve made more prints than I could possibly need in life. I have a nice stack of them sitting in a file organizer on my shelf. I always see them when I’m up getting stuff from my shelves, and I’m constantly wondering what I should do with them.

Collaging was immediately there in my head. None of these prints were good enough for anything really, but I was in love with the grungy textures all my experimenting had produced. So, I sat myself down with some Netflix and started chopping those misprints into some shapes.

This last page is still in progress. I started drawing on the squares, and I’m not entirely sure yet where it’s going. But let’s be real here – that’s most of my pages, haha. I am an 80% intuitive creator, and only 20% planner. I wanted to draw on the triangle/diamond pages, but I like the pages as is so much that I don’t want to ruin them by drawing on there. I’ll let them sit out for a couple days to see if inspiration strikes.

But these textures on these reject prints?


I’m in love. My heart is a dark grungy, raging little thing and it just wants more of these textures! I’m almost near the end of this black journal too. Thankfully I was gifted another one for Christmas – phew! I felt so restricted by the black pages when I first started working on it, and now I can’t imagine not having a black journal to use. The dark backgrounds give every page such a darker mood instantly – which I love.

So while these pages had nothing to do with the week’s prompts regarding happiness – they sure make me happy!

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