Season of Words // Week 4 + AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT

Hi friends! I am so, SO excited to share some good news with you. Well, two good things actually! BEfore we even get into the pages for this week, I just gotta share my excitment with you!
Last weekend, after many months of working, dreaming, planning and maybe a few tears, I launched my online art print shop Fox + Hazel!!!!!!!!!
AH! I am beyond pumped about it! I’ve been dreaming of selling my artwork for years – YEARS. I finally took the leap and jumped in feet first. Want to see some of what I have other there?
There is so, so much more over there too! They’re all prints done of quotes, scripture, and sayings. I love words in my artwork – do you? I’m releasing a few more prints this weekend, so make sure to check out the shop and give it a like or follow us over on Facebook!
Okay, and on to the SECOND exciting bit of news for this post: You can check me out on the Member Spotlight over on the Get Messy blog! Woo hoo! I was so honored and super excited to be interviewed for this week. I shared some of what I know and I hope it’s useful/encouraging to anyone who reads it šŸ™‚
Alright – let’s get to the art pages! Yeesh! šŸ˜‰
The prompts this week were pretty good, however they weren’t really evoking a whole lot out of me. I wasn’t feeling super inspired, but I made some pages anyways. I believe in making yourself create when you’re feeling a bit uninspired. Not like forcefully, but to make some time to just at least try. So, here are my pages..
I’ve always liked the word velocity. Sounds powerful, right?! #powerword
 How about a little shout out with my Dallas Clayton inspired pattern over there? If you aren’t following him on Instagram, go change your life for the better and follow him immediately!
While the page was supposed to be about a childhood memory, I didn’t follow it beyond that really. I liked this old rocking horse though! 
Now, I am a firm believer in a few things: 1) authenticity – show the bad with the good and be true in all formats; 2) it takes some ugly to get some pretty; and 3) transparency with others is a form of encouragement. So, on those notes, these following pages I HATE. I do not like. They started, carried on, and ended poorly. However, I want to show you that ANYONE and EVERYONE has ugly artwork. It’s not magic every single time. I wish someone had told me that when I started creating art 10 years ago.
While there isn’t anything super wrong with these pages, they just aren’t great, y’know? The writing one is just sort of blah and doesn’t add a whole lot beyond the words (although, the words are documenting when I was 13 and got the 4th Harry Potter book on summer break and read the whole thing in one day – one of my favourite memories.) The second page is a messy and not pretty attempt at covering up a really, REALLY, awful painting. You can see her eyes. They’re piercing my soul with disgust with the poor job I did, haha. Even though I totally don’t like these pages and they didn’t turn out, I’m not discouraged by it. I know that tomorrow is a new day and my skills can only get better with each day I work. 
PHEW, THAT WAS A LONG POST. I am impressed if you stuck with it this long. Props to you. Mad props. Here’s a golden, glittery cookie for your efforts. 
See you guys next week!!

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