Ta Da! The 30 Day Watercolour Challenge!

Some links in this post are affiliate links to products I love!

I really meant to get this post up sooner, but life happens (a lot of exciting life stuff, I might add!) so here we are.

Last month, I was determined to find a way to build some more community on Instagram. It is hands down my favourite social media platform. It’s visual, it’s quick, there are few political opinions, and people are much more interactive there.

I also really love watercolours, in case you haven’t noticed!

So, upon further reflection and thinking of ways to connect more people, I dreamt up the 30 Day Watercolor Challenge. I wanted to make watercolours accessible, achievable, and enjoyable for everyone.

Join me & a community of creatives in painting watercolors every day for 30 days!


I know watercolors are a popular medium to use right now, and everyone wants to learn how. But starting can be scary, and often times we are worried about not being good enough. That’s why I made this watercolor challenge – so you can learn without feeling like you’re not good enough. These prompts are designed to be interpreted however you want. Make them as simple or as intricate as you’d like – there’s literally no wrong way to go about it!

And you know what the absolute best part is?

Everyone who’s sharing their quick paintings is taking the time to look at other’s work and encourage each other. Which is all I wanted with this project. I want people to come together for the love of creating. And it’s happening! And I can’t handle! Ask my husband how many times I’ve shoved my phone in his face this week while saying “LOOK AT THE HASHTAG COUNT!” I am just outta my skin about this. I love creating and I love encouraging others to create.

Here’s a recap of my paintings I did for the first 7 days of prompts.

If you are reading this thinking “I totally missed out, man!” do not fret – you haven’t missed out! You can jump into the watercolor challenge right now and join the posse in stretching those watercolour skillz. This community and challenge is for everyone and anyone who wants to learn more about watercolors.


watercolor painting on white desk

30 Day Watercolor Challenge - PinterestJump onto to Instagram and check out the hashtag #foxandwatercolour to see what everyone else is creating. They are there waiting for you to join in, and to cheer you on!

Now you’re thinking “But I don’t have any watercolor paints!”  I’ve listed some recommended palettes below for you that are great for beginners to get started with. You can also check out my post on 21 watercolor supplies under $50. I personally use the Sakura Koi Field Sketch Kit and LOVE it. I hope you’ll join us in playing with watercolors for 30 days!


  • Lynne

    November 19, 2022 at 1:21 am

    Hi I’ve just found and followed your Pinterest page. Would love to start the 30 day challenge and would like the prompts; could you email please?

    1. Torrie – Fox + Hazel

      November 24, 2022 at 1:42 pm

      Hi Lynne! The prompts are the words listed in the image. It’s just a 1 word prompt each to help you find an idea to paint, however big or small 🙂 this challenge was initially from a few years ago, but you are absolutely welcome to take a go at it on your own pace an use the hash tag #foxandwatercolour to share your work!

  • Gabrielle

    April 28, 2022 at 12:48 pm

    How do I join I’d love to try. Just started watercolours and need a bit of direction

  • Janet

    June 25, 2021 at 2:00 pm

    Could you email me the 30 day prompts please? I only see the first few samples. TY!!

  • Nicole Schmidt

    January 6, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    I’m kind of bummed because I’m unable to get to the prompts. I’m wanting to get started in doing watercolor, and I wasn’t sure what to start with, and came across this post. If they’re still available, could you send them to me or point me in the direction to find them? Thank you!

    1. Torrie – Fox + Hazel

      January 9, 2020 at 10:39 am

      Hi Nicole!
      Thank you for letting me know that the prompts aren’t appearing in the post! There seems to be an issue with the image. I’ve edited it and the prompts are there now. I’ve also sent them to your email for you as well 🙂 Happy painting!

      1. Betsy

        April 22, 2021 at 11:01 am

        Maybe I’m totally missing something, but I don’t see the prompts either. Sadness…

        1. Torrie – Fox + Hazel

          April 22, 2021 at 11:46 am

          Hi Betsy! Thanks for letting me know you couldn’t find the prompts. I’ve check the post and the image with the prompts should be there now!

  • Sharmin

    January 13, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    I would love to do the 30 day watercolour challenge
    But I think I m a bit too late lol
    But is there a way to join in now ?

    1. torrielynn

      January 18, 2019 at 2:04 pm

      Hi there! There is no real time limit on this challenge. I originally ran it almost 3 years ago in the spring, but there are people who regularly use these prompts for their own persona 30 day challenge. I encourage you to use them as well! You can still post them online with the #foxandwatercolour hashtag if you’d like too.

  • Gail

    May 21, 2018 at 8:42 pm

    Looking forward to the challenges!

  • Raevyn77

    April 10, 2018 at 8:57 am

    I also just found this on pinterest and will also be doing it. I haven’t been drawing long but took up took watercolors; and just about anything else that has color! I’m looking forward to the challenges to just having fun and maybe making a little progress in this medium.

    Thank you @Bailey Olsen for those descriptions. While I knew some, I did not know them all and look forward to trying those methods out.

    1. torrielynn

      April 11, 2018 at 10:26 am

      So glad this prompts will help get you painting daily! You can find me on Instagram @foxandhazel if you have any questions. If you choose to post on IG, then be sure to tag your posts with #foxandwatercolour so I can see! 🙂 <3

  • Bailey Olsen

    May 13, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    Wash is when you cover the whole paper in watercolor with a large brush making vertical strokes. Masking is when you take tape or masking fluid and cover certain areas of the paper then paint and peel. Achohol is when you do a wash or a watery painting and add achohol drops on the paper to create a rained on effect (the achohol sucks up some pigment). Salt is the same as achohol but with sprinkling salt on your painting to create a smaller achohol effect. Drips is simple wet your paper with just water (like a wash) and then drip watercolor on top to create cool designs.

  • eatable monster

    March 5, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    Hello, i know that iam terribly late (lol), but i just found your 30 day watercolor challeng through pinterest and i want to do it for my watercolor drill. But there is some categories that i dont know such wash, masking, alcohol, layers, salt and drips. Would you like to expalin it to me? Thank you so much 🙂

  • Briella Lane

    April 8, 2016 at 8:50 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Briella Lane

    April 8, 2016 at 4:31 am

    I'm inspired! I'm going to join you. (If life doesn't get in the way) @eaff1

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